Social dominance orientation and the moderating role of being single on misogynistic attitudes

A new article was recently published, exploring the role of entitlement, SDO, RWA and being single on misogynistic attitudes among American heterosexual men. The article can be found here.


This article aimed to explore individual level factors as predictors of misogynistic attitudes. Given that misogyny and activity on online forums related to so called incel-dom is growing and has been identified as a terrorist threat, it becomes important to better understand the underpinnings of misogynistic attitudes, also in a normal population. Based on previous research and theory, entitlement, Social Dominance Orientation and Right-wing authoritarianism was explored as well as the moderating role of being single among American men (N = 302). Results from an online survey showed that all three predictors as well as being single (compared to being in a relationship) significantly predicted misogynistic attitudes. The effect of SDO was moderated by relationship status such that singles who were high SDO expressed most misogyny. The results contribute to a better understanding of who may come to adhere to a more radical view of women.